Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Remember When...........

You were a child and you waited for something special to happen and you were a very good child doing all you could to be nice to people because you thought that would help make your something special get here quicker. Then when the day arrived you were disappointed...........................WELL GUESS WHAT

I have just had that same feeling, back in February I planted some tomato seeds, with the heat here the seeds split within a couple of days. I thought this had to be a very good sign and we were looking forward to a bumper crop of tomatoes. I was even working out in my mind who I would give some to if we had more than we could use.

Slowly and very spindly the plants grew, I said to Doug we should scrap them and try again but he persevered, talking to them feeding them and generally being a very good farmer.

Imagine our excitement when one day we could see one tomato forming on the plant, it grew bigger and bigger and became like a member of the family. Fast forward several weeks to last week when we noticed it looked as though it was starting to ripen.

We poured through the recipe books trying to decide how best to dish up this very special tomato and after great debate we decided it would join our salad which we were having with steak at the weekend. Day after day we watched it getting riper and riper and Friday evening it was nice and red, Doug wanted to pick it and I persuaded him it would be better to pick it Saturday and add it nice and fresh to the salad.

After a night of dreaming about and tasting fresh tomatoes, Saturday arrived the day of the great gourmet meal with our home grown tomato. I went out to pick it and that was when that"moment happened"

The birds had started making a meal of it as they were up earlier than we were.The moral of this story is ......pick your tomato when you husband says so.

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