Friday, January 14, 2011

Back in Trinidad

We arrived back safe and sound to the warmth of Trinidad. We are certainly not missing the snow that has finally arrived in Burlington.

I have been busy trying to get the house sorted out and unpacking boxes, it is crtainly much better than living in the apartment we were in before I left for Canada. It is so nice to hear the birds singing and be able to walk out into the garden. Of course having the pool is an added bonus on these very hot days.

I did some exploring this morning checking out the mango tree which is covered in flower so hopefully we will have a good crop of mangoes soon. Everything appears to be starting to bud,it will be interesting to see what exactly we have growing here.

This plant is at the side of the house by the garage

hidden in these huge leaves are the most delicate white flowers

I now have vases of them all over the house.........I am assuming they are not poisonous, they are very pretty.

I have been trying to do some sewing as I had some new patterns for Christmas, will let you see what I have made very soon.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas in Canada

Our time with Stefanie & Tim has flown by and we will be flying back to Trinidad on 4th January. As I am typing this it is snowing and I have to admit I will not be sorry to get back to the warmth. Toady it is 30 degrees in Trinidad.

Thought you would like to see some pictures of busters Christmas,opening presents, making sure the discarded wrapping paper was adequately shredded and finally it all got too much for a very excited boy with a tummy full of turkey.

Thank you Stefanie and Tim for a lovely Christmas remember the next one is in Trinidad although I don't think my tree will look as good as yours did this year.