I arrived in the UK to a severe hoar frost which covered the trees and fields, it looked like a scene from a Christmas card very pretty but much colder then Canada.
The day after I arrived my Mum and I got up in the morning to find her boiler not working so no heat or hot water. We survived for a couple of days before we could get a plumber to check it out. Fortunately we had a gas fire and portable oil filled radiators. You don't realise how you much you are used to certain things until they are not available. The cause of the problem was the severe cold weather and condensation had frozen to block a narrow outside pipe.
Whilst at home I managed to persuade my Mum to at last have a lifeline installed, she has been fighting us for a couple of years but thanks to support from Keith & Viv we managed to persuade her it was the best thing to do as she is now 90 years old and we all worry she may fall and at least with the lifeline she can summon help immediately. Of course she tells anyone who will listen that she is not at all happy about it.
Doug arrives this evening we will both return to Trinidad on January 4th. I am still trying to figure how to add the pictures of the craft show and open house. I didn't take them Stefanie used her camera and emailed them to me. Maybe Doug will help me out.
Wishing everone a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. See You in 2011.